Who is Heart of Ohio Classical Academy?
Heart of Ohio Classical Academy is the first tuition-free classical academy located in Dublin, Ohio. We are now accepting students from grades K-6 and K-7 in 2025-26. We will be adding a grade each year until grade twelve. School teachers will employ tried and true teaching methods to impart genuine knowledge and foster moral integrity, decorum, respect, discipline, and a commitment to thoughtful inquiry.
4650 Lakehurst Ct.
Dublin, OH 43016

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Meet the staff and learn more about Heart of Ohio Classical Academy.
Now Accepting Applications
Heart of Ohio Classical Academy is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school year.
Teach at Heart of Ohio Classical Academy
Heart of Ohio Classical Academy believes in classical education, where teachers, well-versed in academic disciplines, are not just educators but also moral guides. Our faculty, academically gifted and intellectually engaged, positively influence students’ growth. They facilitate learning, develop competencies, and provide unwavering leadership, motivating students to reach their full potential for growth in all aspects of life.